
There’s a new trend: the hunt for the silliest possible items on Amazon, and the large-scale posting of product ‘reviews.’ I probably shouldn’t participate, seeing as I have a professional presence there, but I guess I see it this way: if having a sense of humor is a bar to working somewhere, not sure I want to work there to begin with.

My plan is to collect them here as I find them, so that if people want, they can bookmark this post and come back to it any time they need some pant-peeing mirth. Without further ado:

Save Your Marriage–How to Stop Divorce (credit to old Eps Fez crewman Gary)

Passion Natural Water-Based Lubricant–55 Gallon (credit to my nephew Vann, thank you!)

Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer (credit, if memory serves, to dear OrionSlaveGirl, thanks!)

Accoutrements Yodeling Pickle

Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gal.

Uranium Ore

Playmobil Security Checkpoint

Filexec 3-Ring Binder

Denon AKDL1 Dedicated Link Cable

Bic Cristal For Her Ball Pen (this one is kind of famous)

Unicorn Mask

4 thoughts on “Amacomedy”

      1. Not only am I going, but I’ll have a motley crew with me. John will be in from the Bahamas, plus Jenn & Marcel down from Trail, BC (they came last year too), and my friend Mattias is coming all the way from Sweden. Plus, last year they truly authentically fixed registration, but destroyed room parties, and this year the word is room parties will live again. Sure hope you can make it!


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