Can you comment on this blog entry?

Here is my request.  It’s come to my attention that some people are asked for too much personal info in order to leave a comment.  No likey.  So:

Please make an attempt to comment on this post and tell me what that took.  If for whatever reason you could not, or if it wanted more information or logging-in from you than giving a name and e-mail address, please e-mail me at, and describe your experience.  I need to understand what you are experiencing in order to see about improving it.  Thanks!

26 thoughts on “Can you comment on this blog entry?”

  1. I’ve never had to leave anything other than my email addy before posting a comment to your blog. I do comment on quite a few blogs, though, so I guess it’s possible that I had already given some information to a storehouse that retained it and also manages your blog.


  2. My email and name are required to comment. I also have the option to post my website, but it isn’t required. I’m sharing it this time I just know its appearance on your blog will greatly boost my search engine ranking. (insert annoying smiley face)


  3. All I have ever been asked for is my email address, name, & website. Laura & I have had the same experience.

    “Name” autofills in with the avatar I use for CJ & Jane’s blogs. “Website” field autofilled in with the Gravatar site that is linked to my OSG avatar & corresponding pic. (I deleted that field before posing here)


  4. I cannot even find the little box, at the end of the b(l)og so I don’t even know where to start. Then I have the whole issue finding my way around the keyboard, so there will be no input from me.
    If I were allowed to vocalize my thoughts they would be (at the moment)

    Boork Boork
    The ragged dreams
    Boork Boork
    In the halls of blight

    Boork Boork
    Throughout the eternity
    I set sai
    Boork Boork


  5. Hi JK — My avatar across the bottom and it says I’m commenting using my account; also a check box to notify me of follow-up comments via email, which I checked.


  6. Here is the meta-theme of the post, in case it were not quite obvious. I want the least possible restraint on your comments. I want it to be easy. I’m okay with having to approve your very first comment, as a line of defense against excessive weirdness, but I have yet to disapprove a comment that seemed remotely legitimate. I seek to discover if anything hinders you from voicing your opinion, and if so, to get it out of your way. The blog already has a very good spam filter that keeps us from seeing Big Piles O’ Crapola daily, enabling me to make all that stuff neither your concern nor mine.


  7. I also wish to say that your varied responses have been very helpful and most gratifying. Thank you. I will have to dig a funny story out of the lumberyard that is my brain soon, to show you my gratitude. Any writer would be fortunate to enjoy a readership this helpful.


    1. It did, MP, it just put it into the moderation queue where I had to approve it. Only because it was your first time–if you comment with that ID again in the future, approval will be automatic without effort by me. Thanks for helping with the experiment!


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