About J.K. Kelley

I’m a freelance editor with a background in history.  I’ve been ‘lancing since about 2002:  editing, proofreading and writing.  Writing appeals to me because it’s the only remotely artistic talent I have, and I enjoy helping other people develop their own in their own way.

Careerwise, I’ve bounced around.  I’ve been a paralegal, a salesman, a bookkeeper and a computer jock. My first paid daily employment was cleaning out a basement where a dog had been confined for the winter. I prefer my current occupation.

For fun, I like to write; read (travel, history, SF, fantasy, biography, trivia); watch college football (proud Washington Husky); play games (action, strategy, RPG); travel; build and fix things; help people. In the past, I was an amateur athlete characterized by an absence of ability and an excess of hustle and desire: hockey, soccer, softball, baseball, tennis, golf. If my knees get good enough, I may once again golf.

In my spare time, I volunteer with a local ESL nonprofit. As a descendant of immigrants, I believe in the value of immigration. I believe that immigrants need English proficiency in order to be full thriving participants in our society, and that people willing to work on improving that proficiency deserve any help and kindness we can offer them.

This blog is my public presentation, which is not to say that I don’t make a few errors here and there; certainly I don’t proofread it to the obsessive standards offered to those who pay me. That’s because it is also part fun and part literary gym: a place to write somewhat for enjoyment, somewhat for practice, and to experiment now and then; a place to pardon myself for the occasional lapse.

For more frequent content, please Like and/or Follow my Facebook presence: J.K. Kelley, Editor.

Welcome. I’m glad you came, because readers are a writer’s purpose.

Tags: manuscript editor, fiction editor, non-fiction editor, freelance editor.

14 thoughts on “About J.K. Kelley”

  1. Readers are a writers purpose and writers are a reader’s biggest help – I love what you post in here (and that is coming from an aspirational writer.) It is so interesting and very well done!
    Love the blog,
    Wawawr xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Mark. (WP somehow mistook your comment for spam and I had to retrieve it from the spam trap). I’ll have a look at that site. Thanks also for a pair of good consumer protection books that helped me feel more confident dealing with automotive situations.


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Blogging freelance editing, writing, and life in general. You can also Like my Facebook page for more frequent updates: J.K. Kelley, Editor.